I’m in a car in Cairo with a friend of mine. He’s got his girlfriend with him and I’ve taken the back seat. It used to be a favourite place for photographer’s back in the eighties. They used to point their camera at the newly wed couple in the front looking back, rear view mirror in the centre top of the image and perhaps a dashboard revealing the make of the car. Usually people would have these shots taken in a Mercedes Benz, the model used in most films, stereotyping rebel groups or terrorists. A sign of the fortune to come. Happiness metered correctly, for most people, the obtainable backdrop of a unobtainable distinct car dashboard. I point my camera the other way and take a picture as I watch Cairo fade out in the background, turning on to the desert road and heading towards Suez. This car is not made in Germany, it’s made in Korea somewhere. It’s a people mover and I’m definitely sitting in the Photographer’s Back Seat.