Saturday 28th of January, Morsi, Stephen Cole and Hessom Razavi

Our three features this week 28th of January 2017 at Perth Poetry Club are Morsi, Stephen Cole and Hessom Razavi.
Morsi is a writer and photographer, but in a past life he’s also earned his bread by programming commercial aircraft, designing websites, and doing graphic design, not to mention all types of construction trades, including carpentry, electrical engineering, and ship building, as well as fishing, skippering boats, or driving trucks, cars, or forklifts. A native of Egypt who’s spent a good deal of his life in Copenhagen, Denmark, he’s travelled the world twice over, and is now based here in Australia.
But these words merely describe the way he earns a living, but not the way he lives. He’s an example of that rare breed; the autodidact man.
Stephen Cole’s poetry has been well received and commended in many competitions. His first book of poetry was sold-out, and in second print-run. Stephen has had some success in getting published in Positive Words, TAFE journals and various zines/books. His speciality is poetry about love.
He was born and raised in Perth, and has been writing Poetry for 20 years learning his craft at TAFE where he achieved a Certificate of General Education and various in Creative Writing. He is a member of the Karrinyup Writer’s Club over that period (21years last year). Stephen has been a stalwart of the Perth Poetry Club. If he is not here on a Saturday, we wonder where he is.
Hessom Razavi is a doctor and writer who grew up in Tehran, Karachi, Manchester and Perth. His poetry has been published in Australia and the UK. His poetry has featured in Gargouille, Mascara Literary Review, The Best Australian Poems 2016, the Hippocrates Prize for Poetry and Medicine, and more. He is currently working on his first collection, and we eagerly await this.
Please join us at The Moon Café 323 William Street Northbridge this Saturday 2pm-4pm for the triple antigen of Morsi, Stephen Cole and Hessom Razavi. Open mike as always…
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