Non Profit Photographers’ Alliance
The NPPA was founded by Mohammed Massoud Morsi in 2015 and takes on a unique approach in working with development work around the world in co-operation with photographers and Non Governmental Organisations.
Our vision :
We strive for a world where images of people in developing countries shape understanding towards positive change
Our mission :
The Alliance’s mission is to change the time-consuming and expensive process of communicating images and to offer the organizations extremely low cost access to media professionals to be able to conjure the voices needing to be heard. It also offers talented professionals an insight into development work and an opportunity to have their work reviewed at the same time learning about ethics, codes of conduct and other hands on aspects of photojournalism.
Students receive connection to an NGO and its projects. Through this connection they gain access to local populations’ daily lives, including how they are impacted by the organization’s projects. An in-country instructor will accompany them on a 7 day trip to the project country, and provide hands-on guidance in photography and media work in the developing world, and how to capture the images that media organizations need, in a way that they have never seen before. A rigorous selection process will be applied for students wishing to join the program; students are there to learn, not join a photo safari.
Members of the Alliance maintain a professional community of practice, both advising one another and receiving expert guidance on their craft, as well as getting continuous professional instruction and connection to media outlets. All students will have the option to join the Alliance after their first trip with the Alliance.
Agencies will gain access to a pool of professional and budding photographers, and their professionally mentored work documenting their projects at no cost.
Ethics – The NPPA understands and adheres to the code of conduct for media personnel as described in The Sphere Project. All NGO’s involved are allowed the level of privacy they so request and also the right to terminate any photographers involvement with their projects should they not adhere to these minimum standards. Standards that are one of the cornerstones of the NPPA.
Copyright ©2015 – All rights reserved – Mohammed Massoud Morsi
For more information about the Alliance and to book an appointment as an NGO or as a photographer, please use the contact form on this website and write “NPPA enquiry” in the subject line.